Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Enchanter Loans is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of users of our products and services. We want to contribute to a safe and secure Internet environment for everyone. The purpose of this Enchanter Loans website privacy policy is to inform you, as a welcome visitor to our website, what kinds of information we may gather about you when you visit our site, how we may use that information, and whether we disclose it to anyone. Please note that this policy applies only to the Enchanter Loans website and not to other companies’ or organizations’ websites to which we may link, if any.

Information about all Enchanter Loans visitors

In general, our website automatically gathers certain usage information like the numbers and frequency of visitors to our website and its areas, very much like television ratings that tell the networks how many people tuned in to a program. We only use such data in the aggregate. This aggregate data helps us determine to what extent our visitors or customers use parts of the site, so we can improve our site to assure that it is as appealing as we can make it for as many of you as possible. Enchanter Loans also collects general information on its website visitors for statistical, security, or other purposes. Such information may include:

  • The Internet address (referral site) which brought you to our website;
  • The date and time you access our site;
  • The name and version of your web browser;
  • The Internet service provider you used when you accessed our site;
  • Your Internet Protocol (IP) address; and
  • The pages visited in our website.

Enchanter Loans uses a cookie to collect this general information on all website visitors. We may use this information in an aggregated, non-personally identifiable, format to assist us in offering the services and features that are of particular interest to visitors and customers. We may also use this information to monitor the security and performance of our site.

You may elect to provide us with more specific or personal information, such as when you give us feedback or send us an email requesting additional information. If you provide personal information to us, it is only used internally and in furtherance of the purpose for which it was provided. Enchanter Loans does not share or sell information collected from website visitors.

Enchanter Loans reserves the right to monitor and make records of transactions and interchanges made over its networks. You will not necessarily be told (unless the notification is required by law) that a transaction or interchange in which you are participating is being monitored or recorded. Monitoring and recording transactions or interchanges may be initiated, for example, if we suspect a possible breach in security or some other problem that would make it appropriate to monitor or maintain these records. We do not use this information for any improper purposes or distribute it to third parties, except as required or permitted by law.

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