Famous Catering Services & Centralized Kitchen

Famous Centralized Kitchen

A centralised kitchen helps us manage operations from a single point of control; this includes receiving, storage, preparation, delivery, maintenance, among other processes that form the cycle of mid-day meal operations.

A central production kitchen, also known as a central production unit (CPU), is a kitchen space that is used for the production of meals or individual ingredients before they are sent to different locations for plating up and serving to customers.

Are you wondering what the point of centralised production is? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using a central production kitchen!

One of the biggest advantages that comes with using a central production unit is the ability to ensure consistently high-quality food across all branches.

Product consistency is absolutely vital for success, and while providing recipe systems and thorough training for chefs across all franchises goes a long way, if there are any differences in working methods or standards, it will show in your end product, too. That’s why we at Famous Centralised Kitchens maintain our very own custom built Centralised kitchen which serves food all across Qatar to people across different nationalities and industries.

Famous Catering Services

The world of industries is one that is diverse in nature – with multiple sectors, different work shifts, people from various walks of life coming together, and all striving day in and out. Inevitably comes irregular eating patterns coupled with loss of appetite and energy over a period of time, making it all the more imperative that the food they intake is one that adds to their everyday health supplement. This is where the Famous Catering promise comes into play.

From the very inception of Famous Centralised Kitchen, catering to this genre has been our forte. Be it tackling volume, or doing away some fatigue with food, blending nutrition and taste, serving large numbers in a short time or solving portion control, we know the perfect formulas that work. We also bring to your workplace table elements of surprise by cuisines themed around festivals and international celebrations, seasonal food inclusions and more. Food can be fun when work is not!