Showroom no. 9 new shopping complex Bhai kanhiya Sahib chownk Yamunanagar, Haryana

We help you cure for the following issues

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Stress Management

It's has no form it carries no norm, all you do is sit back, relax and stay calm. It dresses your mind to witness damages mentally, physically and ideologically. To overcome this, you can share your problems, drive yourself to peace of mind, and remain as cool as you are now.

Family Therapy and Marriage Counseling
Dating relationships

We are in this amazing Era where we have liberty to choose the right partner and get along. More like a fantasy to get along and be with someone who really matters you the most. But relationship these days comes with so many terms and the main cause is lack of communication and understanding each other's opinions or views. To handle such delicate relation sometimes you need an expert to whom you can reach and they guide you to build your relationship in a healthy way.

Six Important Rules for Parenting Teenagers
Self Esteem issues

Negativity is almost everywhere but negative talk on our mind for yourself is really harsh. Lack of confidence to pitch your opinion, getting influenced easily by others, feeling low and ashamed of yourself are all the sign of low esteem issues. We need to overcome such issues by getting the right people to whom you can talk and the one believes in oneself and brings the best version of you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Family Psychology

Family is what defines us, but when you face problems such as arguments, lack of communication, behavior issues, parenting conflicts all of these can effect the wellbeing of individual. So to overcome such issues you need to make sure you get the proper guidance in order to talk it out and make things that works best for you and for your family.

Family Therapy and Marriage Counseling
Social anxiety disorder

We all face so many challenges everyday, having anxiety disorder effects social and work life. We fear to be accepted the way we are and become self conscious about everything we do. But the best part is that it can be treated and the most easiest way is to talk to your health care provider.

Six Important Rules for Parenting Teenagers
Elderly couple issues

According to research the biggest reason for growing apart from your spouse is because you stop connecting with your spouse in your everyday life. And when life gets busy, family conflicts, work obligations, health issues, loss of balancing friends and your marriage, etc. And this doesn't happen overnight, it happens slowly over a period of time. But relationship can aways be better when you know what is the right way to do it.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Depression treatment

Each one is fighting a battle within and each passing day it makes it more worsen. From depressed moods to loss of interest in doing anything it makes it harder everytime you try to get out of it. It pulls you back just like gravity. But it can be cured with the closure of the things that didn't go well. Talk to Psychologist and I am sure you will definitely fight this through and have a normal life.