
About Us

About Us

Scissors Mens Beauty Parlor is a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price/value relationship. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which respects diversity, ideas, and hard work.

We want to make your salon experience as unique and memorable as you are. Our mission is to consistently bring you the freshest styles and ideas, by keeping up with the current trends and constantly educating ourselves about the best practices.

All of our stylists support one another in their personal strengths and goals within the beauty industry and the community. We promise to pay close attention to the details of your service, maintain the highest standard in the cleanliness of our salon, exceed your expectations, and keep you coming back for more!

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Customer Satisfaction(%)
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Happy Clients
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Custom Haircuts
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Years Experience