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Customer Relationship Management

Increasing revenues and winning customer satisfaction are two holy grails of every business. Quality front-office operations (Sales, Marketing and Customer Service) not only lead to growth and profitability, it also results in attracting, retaining and delighting more customers. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) makes the customer THE ‘center’ of enterprise’s processes, workflows and activities. A customer-centric organization enjoys strong customer relationships, makes more informed and better decisions based on real-time sales & marketing data and create a customer experience that will lead to phenomenal topline growth.

Visionet’s strategic consulting, CRM implementation, deployment and training solutions help companies rapidly re-engineer front-office processes and technologies to engage more customers and drive better sales results. Visionet has CRM expertise of configuring, implementing, customizing and supporting the leading CRM technologies.

Benefits of CRM

Improves Customer Service
CRM manages all your contacts and aggregates lead and customer information to build profiles of everyone you interact with. This gives you easy access to important infomration on customer behavior like purchase records and previous communications with contacts across different channels (social media, chat, email, etc.). Customers won’t have to repeat their story over and over to you, and you’ll be able to address issues with best practice and less effort for imporved customer loyalty.

Increase in Sales
Streamlining and improving the sales process, building a sales pipeline, automating tasks, and analyzing your sales data will inevitably lead to one outcome—increased sales and sales productivity. CRM allows you to have all your customer-facing voice, chat, social media, and email touchpoints accessible in one place. You’ll clinch more deals by building a repeatable, proven sales process, and delivering the right message on the right channel at just the right time.

Retain More Customers
Retention and churn rates are extremely important determiners for a company’s success; customer churn is a major obstacle to business growth. CRM tools like sentiment analysis, automated ticketing, and customer support and customer service automation can dramatically improve your retention by letting human agents defuse problems. Analytics tools that look at customer life cycle can show you when churn happens and why, so you can identify and address pain points.

Better Analytics
Analytical CRM tools make your data available, intelligible, and relevant to your business needs. All your heaps of sales data, finance data, and marketing data flow into CRM to become visible metrics, with data warehousing and data mining there to make sense of everything. The net benefit is customer acquisition, customer retention, and better data management.

Higher Efficiency
Having all your major day-to-day business functions in one place makes for better workflow, easier collaboration between team members, and better project management. Task automation eliminates menial, repetitive work and gives more time for the cognitive tasks humans are best at. Dashboards and analytics will help you gain insights into your work and optimize all kinds of business processes.

Better knowledge sharing
Miscommunication and lack of information transfer are two major time-wasters. When people take time self-learning to do things other team members already know how to do, or work on redundant tasks, you’re losing a lot of hours per week. Collaborative CRM tools can streamline your teamwork by letting you build a knowledge base, establish best practice workflows, and allowing for frictionless communication between team members.

More transparency
CRM allows you to foster greater transparency in your organization by assigning tasks, showing work, and delineating exactly who is who and who is doing what. If your main concern is sales, you can make use of performance tracking for individual sales agents. CRM allows everyone in your organization to gain visibility on your business processes, fostering more mutual understanding and collaboration.

How CRM Works
CRMs pull in information from social media, your website, email, voice calls, and other channels to help you get more customers and keep the ones you have. They give you a single place to organize your workflows and business processes, so you can collaborate, close more deals, and get more done.

Marketing and sales force automation, contact and project management—these are the bread and butter features of CRM. In practice, CRM should work with the way your business works. There are many types of good CRM out there, and none one-size-fits-all/right CRM option. However, there is most definitely a CRM technology tailored for every company’s unique business strategy.