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Training centre

Ravamex is a pioneer corporate training solutions provider that offers par excellence courses for employee’s skill development. Being established , we recognize the quintessential skills required by the workforce to keep up with the emerging technologies.

Ravamex is a one-stop solution for all the corporate training requirement. We help to bridge the knowledge gap and strive to build a splendid workforce around the globe that can thrive in this progressively competitive world.

We extend corporate training for employees all across the globe. Our top-grade mentorship has gained us the recognition of the best corporate training centre.

Our corporate training programs have provided a conducive environment to enhance the technology curve of employees. We offer a comprehensive range of corporate training courses at multiple locations as well as in-house corporate training solutions. We are here to support the development needs of professionals by following a holistic approach in upscaling the skills as per current industry standards.

Our specialized offering to training makes your employees proactive in enterprises and execution of work. Our programs are designed in such a manner giving best employee learning and development experience with the highest regard to professionalism and quality.

Why Ravamex ?
Years of experience in Corporate Training
Expert specialized Trainers for each technology.
On-site and off-site training services
Tailor-made programs as per the company’s needs.
Affordable Pricing
Save time and money
24/7 Customer Support

Ravamex is committed to provide the best employee training programs through experienced industry professionals. We leverage the caliber of these mentors to help employees get equipped with the expertise that catapults careers.

We have specialized training courses for employees to bridge the knowledge gap and achieve their highest potential. Our on-site corporate training solutions result in enhanced productivity, enhanced professionalism and elevated personal effectiveness.

Here are 6 types of online employee trainings

1. Orientation
Orientation is the most common type of employee training. It’s a one-time event formally welcoming and introducing new hires to your company within their first week on the job. This training tends to be relevant to all company-wide roles and departments.

Orientation trainings are usually prepared by HR on big-picture topics such as:
Company mission, vision, and values
Corporate culture
Organizational structure and leadership team intro
Mandatory new-hire paperwork
Overview of benefit plans
Administrative procedures (computer logins, extension, email setups, etc.)
Key corporate policies

2. On-boarding Training
Contrary to a very common misconception, orientation and onboarding are actually different types of employee trainings.

While orientation training is a one-time session with a checklist-style agenda delivered to everyone in the company, onboarding training is a series of department-specific sessions that take place over a longer period of time. It is strategically created with the goal of enabling new employees to be as successful as they can be in their new roles in the shortest period of time.

Onboarding trainings ideally start on the first day of employment and may carry on throughout the first year as needed. It is prepared by department leaders with the focus of reaching departmental goals and connecting them with overall company objectives. Topics should, therefore, address employee needs and provide them with easy access to information and skills that they need to do their jobs efficiently and maximize employee engagement.

A holistic onboarding training program should focus on more than the technical aspects of a job. It should also offer education on ways to stay engaged and productive at work. A good example of such content is Mindfresh TV, a Uscreen video website that teaches modern mindfulness at work. Effective and successful onboarding trainings gradually bring new employees up to speed much quicker than if left to fend for themselves. An effectively executed onboarding training will also free up a lot of leadership time because most answers to questions would be available within the training.

3. Technical Skills Development Training
No matter what technical level your employees are at, there is always room for improvement. Technical (hard) skills include the know-how of doing things like data analysis, content writing, social media management, coding, programming, etc.

Technical skills training is a fundamental employee education component because it’s the main way your employees will know how to technically do their jobs right. And for those who already know how to do their jobs, we guarantee they still have more to learn. Employees need to engage in ongoing learning on a regular basis to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

MTD Training Group has great technical skills development training content that can serve as inspiration for your training content. MTD is a training center that uses Uscreen to provide a full range of blended learning solutions on sales and management skills development topics, including videos, podcasts, e-learning and online support solutions. Technical skills development programs can be included in the onboard training program or can be delivered to any existing employees who can use a little more development. There is always something new to learn.

4. Soft skills development training
How your employees act is just as important and what they know – that’s why soft skills are so essential for growth. Soft skills are personal attributes that enable employees to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people in the workplace, including co-workers, management, and customers.

Studied have actually shown that a gap in basic soft skills among company employees affects company success and increases turnover rates.

Soft skills trainings are useful for new and existing employees of all levels and are an extremely effective way to build an efficient, respectful and collaborative culture – ultimately affecting the bottom line.

Some topics to consider covering in your soft skills training include:
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Problem-solving skills
Conflict resolution
Leadership skills
Emotional Intelligence
Time management

5. Products and services training
Product trainings can either be a part of onboarding for newcomers or can be available for any employees who need refreshers on the products and services the organization offers. This type of training can also be used to educate staff on newly introduced products, services or features so they are always up to date.

6. Mandatory training
Depending on where your company is located and the industry it operates in, certain employee preparedness and training regulations may apply.

For instance, public-sector employees are often required to take occupational health and safety trainings and refreshers. Establishments with liquor licenses need their server employees to be alcohol-safety certified. And a few state laws require both public and private companies to deliver sexual harassment trainings to employees.

Governments will often provide these trainings themselves, and since it’s 2017, they usually exist online in the form of slides and videos. With online access to these trainings, you can integrate them into your online employee training website to consolidate all required training in one centralized hub.