About Us

About us

SBO Global is committed to achieving excellence in technical education and producing responsible citizens and progressive leaders, strives to achieve the institution goal by

  • Focusing on the overall development of the students and strengthening their capacities and leadership abilities.
  • Creating a conducive environment for effective teaching, active learning and purposeful research.
  • Incorporating value-added programmes to the curriculum and improving the job prospects of the students.
  • Periodically evaluating the effectiveness of the programmes offered at the institute and responding positively to the needs of the industry.
  • Exposing the students to the challenges of the twenty-first century and providing them with opportunities to think innovatively and to demonstrate their entrepreneurship skills to contribute effectively to the growth of the nation, and
  • Continuously benchmarking the institution against premier institutions to adopt the best practices for quality improvement.

Core Values

We, at SBO Global, consider the following core values close to our heart.

We value:

  • Being committed to our vision and mission
  • Adhering to the highest standards of ethical values and moral principles and thus achieving excellence
  • Working in collaborative groups and making every staff and student have a sense of belonging
  • Building relationships with our stakeholders through honesty and trust
  • Strengthening institution-industry partnerships and making engineering education meaningful
  • Promoting research by providing support to teacher researchers and research groups
  • Disseminating knowledge in a creative and effective way using the tools of modern technology and making teaching learning process enjoyable
  • Celebrating diversity on the campus by recognizing the uniqueness of individuals
  • Contributing to each individual’s personal growth by enabling them to develop the twenty-first-century skills required at the workplace
  • Encouraging inquisitiveness among students and making them critical thinkers
  • Fostering creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship among students and motivating them to become job creators
  • Instilling values in students and moulding them to become service-minded leaders
  • Promoting holistic growth to produce socially responsible citizens
  • Evaluating continuously and improve programs, services, systems and policies to ensure quality and excellence